Urine Specific Gravity (USG)
This test relies on measuring the ability of the kidneys to produce concentrated urine. The Specific Gravity of the urine is a measure of how dilute or concentrated the urine is.
It is a very easy test that the owner or breeder can do at home using a refractometer. The test can also be performed cheaply by any veterinarian. The test is done on urine collected in the morning. Called the fasting urine before the dog has had anything to eat or drink. Normally concentrated urine has a USG greater than 1.030. If the urine is less concentrated than this, the test needs to be repeated over several days. If the dog consistently produces dilute urine over several days then you should consult with your veterinarian. Inability to concentrate urine normally can be a sign of JKD The urine specific gravity will vary depending on the dog's hydration status |