FB 62. It has always perplexed me that scientific discoveries so often come out in twos, from different labs. I suppose people are asking the same questions based on what is known at the time, and therefore are liable to come up with the same ideas and results. And so it would seem with our Boxer stuff. Professor Amos says he has the identified the chromosome on which the JKD gene lies, and almost immediately the Swedish/American labs say the same thing. Could this be true and have they each have found the same chromosome? Either way, it seems some collaboration may result. And then no sooner do we have Dr Hamilton talking about his bio-marker for ARVC when I hear that a British cardiologist, David Connolly, who I also know from former times, is asking for ARVC cases and controls to test out something a bit similar. And just like the JKD groups, these two ARVC groups may join forces. They might even use the same dogs/blood samples. It’s all progress I suppose, but Boxers' problems are getting their share of attention. Wouldn’t you agree?
BoxerJKDCommunication posted through Facebook Archives
May 2018